lasinfo (210611) report for 'AHN1T/12BN1_08.LAZ'
reporting all LAS header entries:
  file signature:             'LASF'
  file source ID:             0
  global_encoding:            16
  project ID GUID data 1-4:   00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  version major.minor:        1.4
  system identifier:          ''
  generating software:        'PDAL 2.3.0 (5f4276)'
  file creation day/year:     202/2021
  header size:                375
  offset to point data:       2299
  number var. length records: 2
  point data format:          8
  point data record length:   38
  number of point records:    214851
  number of points by return: 214851 0 0 0 0
  scale factor x y z:         0.01 0.01 0.01
  offset x y z:               231980 572480 0
  min x y z:                  231980.00 572480.00 -17.98
  max x y z:                  233019.99 573769.99 22.01
  start of waveform data packet record: 0
  start of first extended variable length record: 0
  number of extended_variable length records: 0
  extended number of point records: 214851
  extended number of points by return: 214851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
variable length header record 1 of 2:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'LASF_Projection'
  record ID            2112
  length after header  908
  description          'OGC Transformation Record'
    COMPD_CS["Amersfoort / RD New + NAP height",PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New",GEOGCS["Amersfoort",DATUM["Amersfoort",SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7004"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6289"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4289"]],PROJECTION["Oblique_Stereographic"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",52.1561605555556],PARAMETER["central_meridian",5.38763888888889],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999079],PARAMETER["false_easting",155000],PARAMETER["false_northing",463000],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","28992"]],VERT_CS["NAP height",VERT_DATUM["Normaal Amsterdams Peil",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5109"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5709"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","7415"]]
variable length header record 2 of 2:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'liblas'
  record ID            2112
  length after header  908
  description          'OGR variant of OpenGIS WKT SRS'
has spatial indexing LAX file
LASzip compression (version 3.4r3 c3 50000): POINT14 3 RGBNIR14 3
reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ...
  X                   0     103999
  Y                   0     128999
  Z               -1798       2201
  intensity           0          0
  return_number       1          1
  number_of_returns   1          1
  edge_of_flight_line 0          0
  scan_direction_flag 0          0
  classification      1          2
  scan_angle_rank     0          0
  user_data           0          0
  point_source_ID     0          0
  gps_time 0.000000 0.000000
  Color R 31 250
        G 42 255
        B 23 255
      NIR 36 255
  extended_return_number          1      1
  extended_number_of_returns      1      1
  extended_classification         1      2
  extended_scan_angle             0      0
  extended_scanner_channel        0      0
number of first returns:        214851
number of intermediate returns: 0
number of last returns:         214851
number of single returns:       214851
covered area in square units/kilounits: 672140/0.67
point density: all returns 0.32 last only 0.32 (per square units)
      spacing: all returns 1.77 last only 1.77 (in units)
WARNING: point type is 8 but (legacy) number of point records in header is 214851 instead zero.
WARNING: point type is 8 but (legacy) number of points by return [1] in header is 214851 instead zero.
overview over extended number of returns of given pulse: 214851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
histogram of classification of points:
           17709  unclassified (1)
          197142  ground (2)
 +-> flagged as extended overlap: 13707
  +--->            1395 of those are unclassified (1)
  +--->           12312 of those are ground (2)
z coordinate histogram with bin size 0.100000
  bin [-18.0,-17.9) has 1
  bin [-9.9,-9.8) has 1
  bin [-1.3,-1.2) has 11
  bin [-1.2,-1.1) has 30
  bin [-1.1,-1.0) has 56
  bin [-1.0,-0.9) has 88
  bin [-0.9,-0.8) has 171
  bin [-0.8,-0.7) has 266
  bin [-0.7,-0.6) has 267
  bin [-0.6,-0.5) has 336
  bin [-0.5,-0.4) has 414
  bin [-0.4,-0.3) has 473
  bin [-0.3,-0.2) has 943
  bin [-0.2,-0.1) has 2658
  bin [-0.1,0.0) has 5595
  bin [0.0,0.1) has 7282
  bin [0.1,0.2) has 9086
  bin [0.2,0.3) has 11444
  bin [0.3,0.4) has 12106
  bin [0.4,0.5) has 11502
  bin [0.5,0.6) has 10768
  bin [0.6,0.7) has 11612
  bin [0.7,0.8) has 13812
  bin [0.8,0.9) has 13845
  bin [0.9,1.0) has 12514
  bin [1.0,1.1) has 11010
  bin [1.1,1.2) has 9662
  bin [1.2,1.3) has 8686
  bin [1.3,1.4) has 8221
  bin [1.4,1.5) has 7682
  bin [1.5,1.6) has 7217
  bin [1.6,1.7) has 5756
  bin [1.7,1.8) has 4694
  bin [1.8,1.9) has 3672
  bin [1.9,2.0) has 3218
  bin [2.0,2.1) has 3050
  bin [2.1,2.2) has 2600
  bin [2.2,2.3) has 1514
  bin [2.3,2.4) has 1082
  bin [2.4,2.5) has 595
  bin [2.5,2.6) has 341
  bin [2.6,2.7) has 298
  bin [2.7,2.8) has 262
  bin [2.8,2.9) has 208
  bin [2.9,3.0) has 199
  bin [3.0,3.1) has 191
  bin [3.1,3.2) has 204
  bin [3.2,3.3) has 262
  bin [3.3,3.4) has 297
  bin [3.4,3.5) has 293
  bin [3.5,3.6) has 268
  bin [3.6,3.7) has 283
  bin [3.7,3.8) has 294
  bin [3.8,3.9) has 203
  bin [3.9,4.0) has 180
  bin [4.0,4.1) has 177
  bin [4.1,4.2) has 146
  bin [4.2,4.3) has 144
  bin [4.3,4.4) has 168
  bin [4.4,4.5) has 159
  bin [4.5,4.6) has 149
  bin [4.6,4.7) has 131
  bin [4.7,4.8) has 145
  bin [4.8,4.9) has 135
  bin [4.9,5.0) has 150
  bin [5.0,5.1) has 142
  bin [5.1,5.2) has 117
  bin [5.2,5.3) has 115
  bin [5.3,5.4) has 106
  bin [5.4,5.5) has 133
  bin [5.5,5.6) has 115
  bin [5.6,5.7) has 115
  bin [5.7,5.8) has 95
  bin [5.8,5.9) has 115
  bin [5.9,6.0) has 161
  bin [6.0,6.1) has 140
  bin [6.1,6.2) has 92
  bin [6.2,6.3) has 105
  bin [6.3,6.4) has 115
  bin [6.4,6.5) has 155
  bin [6.5,6.6) has 219
  bin [6.6,6.7) has 193
  bin [6.7,6.8) has 128
  bin [6.8,6.9) has 94
  bin [6.9,7.0) has 104
  bin [7.0,7.1) has 86
  bin [7.1,7.2) has 83
  bin [7.2,7.3) has 83
  bin [7.3,7.4) has 80
  bin [7.4,7.5) has 62
  bin [7.5,7.6) has 83
  bin [7.6,7.7) has 69
  bin [7.7,7.8) has 91
  bin [7.8,7.9) has 77
  bin [7.9,8.0) has 79
  bin [8.0,8.1) has 66
  bin [8.1,8.2) has 83
  bin [8.2,8.3) has 52
  bin [8.3,8.4) has 67
  bin [8.4,8.5) has 61
  bin [8.5,8.6) has 58
  bin [8.6,8.7) has 54
  bin [8.7,8.8) has 56
  bin [8.8,8.9) has 46
  bin [8.9,9.0) has 53
  bin [9.0,9.1) has 45
  bin [9.1,9.2) has 81
  bin [9.2,9.3) has 128
  bin [9.3,9.4) has 84
  bin [9.4,9.5) has 63
  bin [9.5,9.6) has 50
  bin [9.6,9.7) has 47
  bin [9.7,9.8) has 47
  bin [9.8,9.9) has 33
  bin [9.9,10.0) has 31
  bin [10.0,10.1) has 31
  bin [10.1,10.2) has 34
  bin [10.2,10.3) has 27
  bin [10.3,10.4) has 24
  bin [10.4,10.5) has 22
  bin [10.5,10.6) has 25
  bin [10.6,10.7) has 21
  bin [10.7,10.8) has 30
  bin [10.8,10.9) has 12
  bin [10.9,11.0) has 13
  bin [11.0,11.1) has 23
  bin [11.1,11.2) has 24
  bin [11.2,11.3) has 19
  bin [11.3,11.4) has 18
  bin [11.4,11.5) has 21
  bin [11.5,11.6) has 20
  bin [11.6,11.7) has 21
  bin [11.7,11.8) has 18
  bin [11.8,11.9) has 22
  bin [11.9,12.0) has 16
  bin [12.0,12.1) has 16
  bin [12.1,12.2) has 11
  bin [12.2,12.3) has 13
  bin [12.3,12.4) has 9
  bin [12.4,12.5) has 13
  bin [12.5,12.6) has 9
  bin [12.6,12.7) has 13
  bin [12.7,12.8) has 12
  bin [12.8,12.9) has 19
  bin [12.9,13.0) has 15
  bin [13.0,13.1) has 10
  bin [13.1,13.2) has 9
  bin [13.2,13.3) has 11
  bin [13.3,13.4) has 17
  bin [13.4,13.5) has 11
  bin [13.5,13.6) has 11
  bin [13.6,13.7) has 17
  bin [13.7,13.8) has 9
  bin [13.8,13.9) has 13
  bin [13.9,14.0) has 12
  bin [14.0,14.1) has 15
  bin [14.1,14.2) has 6
  bin [14.2,14.3) has 10
  bin [14.3,14.4) has 12
  bin [14.4,14.5) has 15
  bin [14.5,14.6) has 15
  bin [14.6,14.7) has 10
  bin [14.7,14.8) has 10
  bin [14.8,14.9) has 6
  bin [14.9,15.0) has 13
  bin [15.0,15.1) has 10
  bin [15.1,15.2) has 9
  bin [15.2,15.3) has 13
  bin [15.3,15.4) has 9
  bin [15.4,15.5) has 8
  bin [15.5,15.6) has 12
  bin [15.6,15.7) has 15
  bin [15.7,15.8) has 10
  bin [15.8,15.9) has 3
  bin [15.9,16.0) has 12
  bin [16.0,16.1) has 9
  bin [16.1,16.2) has 6
  bin [16.2,16.3) has 8
  bin [16.3,16.4) has 5
  bin [16.4,16.5) has 8
  bin [16.5,16.6) has 6
  bin [16.6,16.7) has 5
  bin [16.7,16.8) has 6
  bin [16.8,16.9) has 7
  bin [16.9,17.0) has 3
  bin [17.0,17.1) has 3
  bin [17.1,17.2) has 6
  bin [17.2,17.3) has 3
  bin [17.3,17.4) has 8
  bin [17.4,17.5) has 3
  bin [17.5,17.6) has 6
  bin [17.6,17.7) has 8
  bin [17.7,17.8) has 4
  bin [17.8,17.9) has 2
  bin [17.9,18.0) has 1
  bin [18.0,18.1) has 3
  bin [18.1,18.2) has 2
  bin [18.2,18.3) has 4
  bin [18.3,18.4) has 2
  bin [18.4,18.5) has 2
  bin [18.5,18.6) has 4
  bin [18.6,18.7) has 5
  bin [18.7,18.8) has 1
  bin [18.8,18.9) has 2
  bin [18.9,19.0) has 1
  bin [19.0,19.1) has 1
  bin [19.1,19.2) has 4
  bin [19.2,19.3) has 2
  bin [19.3,19.4) has 4
  bin [19.5,19.6) has 1
  bin [19.7,19.8) has 1
  bin [19.8,19.9) has 2
  bin [19.9,20.0) has 1
  bin [20.0,20.1) has 1
  bin [20.1,20.2) has 3
  bin [20.2,20.3) has 2
  bin [20.3,20.4) has 1
  bin [20.4,20.5) has 1
  bin [20.7,20.8) has 1
  bin [20.9,21.0) has 2
  bin [21.2,21.3) has 1
  bin [21.7,21.8) has 1
  bin [22.0,22.1) has 1
  average z coordinate 1.1 for 214851 element(s)
point source id histogram with bin size 1.000000
  bin 0 has 214851
  average point source id 0 for 214851 element(s)