lasinfo (240810) report for 'AHN5T/11DN1_09.LAZ' reporting all LAS header entries: file signature: 'LASF' file source ID: 0 global_encoding: 16 project ID GUID data 1-4: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 version major.minor: 1.4 system identifier: '' generating software: 'PDAL 2.7.1 (8647dd)' file creation day/year: 174/2024 header size: 375 offset to point data: 2299 number var. length records: 2 point data format: 8 point data record length: 38 number of point records: 0 number of points by return: 0 0 0 0 0 scale factor x y z: 0.001 0.001 0.001 offset x y z: 192980 559980 0 min x y z: 192980.000 559980.000 -3.478 max x y z: 194019.999 561269.999 23.087 start of waveform data packet record: 0 start of first extended variable length record: 0 number of extended_variable length records: 0 extended number of point records: 28210893 extended number of points by return: 25307728 1324859 872213 467693 180141 47969 8935 1244 106 5 0 0 0 0 0 variable length header record 1 of 2: reserved 0 user ID 'LASF_Projection' record ID 2112 length after header 908 description 'OGC Transformation Record' WKT OGC COORDINATE SYSTEM: COMPD_CS["Amersfoort / RD New + NAP height",PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New",GEOGCS["Amersfoort",DATUM["Amersfoort",SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7004"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6289"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4289"]],PROJECTION["Oblique_Stereographic"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",52.1561605555556],PARAMETER["central_meridian",5.38763888888889],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999079],PARAMETER["false_easting",155000],PARAMETER["false_northing",463000],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","28992"]],VERT_CS["NAP height",VERT_DATUM["Normaal Amsterdams Peil",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5109"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5709"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","7415"]] variable length header record 2 of 2: reserved 0 user ID 'liblas' record ID 2112 length after header 908 description 'OGR variant of OpenGIS WKT SRS' has spatial indexing LAX file LASzip compression (version 3.4r3 c3 50000): POINT14 3 RGBNIR14 3 reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ... X 0 1039999 Y 0 1289999 Z -3478 23087 intensity 158 65535 return_number 1 7 number_of_returns 1 7 edge_of_flight_line 0 0 scan_direction_flag 0 1 classification 1 26 scan_angle_rank -20 20 user_data 0 0 point_source_ID 2047 2049 gps_time 360522189.913631 360524459.484247 WARNING: range violates GPS week time specified by global encoding bit 0 Color R 16 255 G 40 255 B 30 255 NIR 23 255 extended_return_number 1 10 extended_number_of_returns 1 10 extended_classification 1 26 extended_scan_angle -3333 3331 extended_scanner_channel 0 2 number of first returns: 25307728 number of intermediate returns: 1589165 number of last returns: 25368569 number of single returns: 24054569 covered area in square units/kilounits: 1316536/1.32 point density: all returns 21.43 last only 19.27 (per square units) spacing: all returns 0.22 last only 0.23 (in units) overview over extended number of returns of given pulse: 24054569 854938 1196898 1144654 660685 234966 54040 9145 940 58 0 0 0 0 0 histogram of classification of points: 3198183 unclassified (1) 24767116 ground (2) 185790 building (6) 59308 water (9) 496 Reserved for ASPRS Definition (26) z coordinate histogram with bin size 0.100000 bin [-3.5,-3.4) has 4 bin [-3.4,-3.3) has 153 bin [-3.3,-3.2) has 8080 bin [-3.2,-3.1) has 57249 bin [-3.1,-3.0) has 80445 bin [-3.0,-2.9) has 106035 bin [-2.9,-2.8) has 132489 bin [-2.8,-2.7) has 147293 bin [-2.7,-2.6) has 245274 bin [-2.6,-2.5) has 590963 bin [-2.5,-2.4) has 1212959 bin [-2.4,-2.3) has 2205179 bin [-2.3,-2.2) has 3552197 bin [-2.2,-2.1) has 4241217 bin [-2.1,-2.0) has 4105860 bin [-2.0,-1.9) has 3409119 bin [-1.9,-1.8) has 2370189 bin [-1.8,-1.7) has 1041484 bin [-1.7,-1.6) has 333107 bin [-1.6,-1.5) has 221307 bin [-1.5,-1.4) has 230361 bin [-1.4,-1.3) has 237839 bin [-1.3,-1.2) has 249038 bin [-1.2,-1.1) has 103266 bin [-1.1,-1.0) has 46411 bin [-1.0,-0.9) has 32191 bin [-0.9,-0.8) has 36771 bin [-0.8,-0.7) has 21576 bin [-0.7,-0.6) has 18874 bin [-0.6,-0.5) has 20220 bin [-0.5,-0.4) has 20195 bin [-0.4,-0.3) has 20456 bin [-0.3,-0.2) has 20830 bin [-0.2,-0.1) has 21753 bin [-0.1,0.0) has 21889 bin [0.0,0.1) has 20429 bin [0.1,0.2) has 20383 bin [0.2,0.3) has 19992 bin [0.3,0.4) has 20531 bin [0.4,0.5) has 20961 bin [0.5,0.6) has 21889 bin [0.6,0.7) has 23544 bin [0.7,0.8) has 22987 bin [0.8,0.9) has 24194 bin [0.9,1.0) has 23816 bin [1.0,1.1) has 23550 bin [1.1,1.2) has 24195 bin [1.2,1.3) has 24412 bin [1.3,1.4) has 25888 bin [1.4,1.5) has 26898 bin [1.5,1.6) has 26712 bin [1.6,1.7) has 28213 bin [1.7,1.8) has 27519 bin [1.8,1.9) has 26370 bin [1.9,2.0) has 26752 bin [2.0,2.1) has 25510 bin [2.1,2.2) has 25296 bin [2.2,2.3) has 25973 bin [2.3,2.4) has 26312 bin [2.4,2.5) has 26260 bin [2.5,2.6) has 26484 bin [2.6,2.7) has 26462 bin [2.7,2.8) has 26283 bin [2.8,2.9) has 26416 bin [2.9,3.0) has 26026 bin [3.0,3.1) has 26346 bin [3.1,3.2) has 26431 bin [3.2,3.3) has 26265 bin [3.3,3.4) has 26478 bin [3.4,3.5) has 25932 bin [3.5,3.6) has 25983 bin [3.6,3.7) has 26127 bin [3.7,3.8) has 26215 bin [3.8,3.9) has 26776 bin [3.9,4.0) has 26828 bin [4.0,4.1) has 26755 bin [4.1,4.2) has 27090 bin [4.2,4.3) has 27278 bin [4.3,4.4) has 28672 bin [4.4,4.5) has 27753 bin [4.5,4.6) has 27485 bin [4.6,4.7) has 27038 bin [4.7,4.8) has 26918 bin [4.8,4.9) has 27235 bin [4.9,5.0) has 27133 bin [5.0,5.1) has 27368 bin [5.1,5.2) has 27380 bin [5.2,5.3) has 26710 bin [5.3,5.4) has 26759 bin [5.4,5.5) has 26632 bin [5.5,5.6) has 26073 bin [5.6,5.7) has 26650 bin [5.7,5.8) has 27049 bin [5.8,5.9) has 26959 bin [5.9,6.0) has 27276 bin [6.0,6.1) has 26736 bin [6.1,6.2) has 26786 bin [6.2,6.3) has 26880 bin [6.3,6.4) has 26329 bin [6.4,6.5) has 25849 bin [6.5,6.6) has 26195 bin [6.6,6.7) has 25852 bin [6.7,6.8) has 25997 bin [6.8,6.9) has 25815 bin [6.9,7.0) has 25342 bin [7.0,7.1) has 24741 bin [7.1,7.2) has 24911 bin [7.2,7.3) has 24654 bin [7.3,7.4) has 24574 bin [7.4,7.5) has 24334 bin [7.5,7.6) has 24133 bin [7.6,7.7) has 23948 bin [7.7,7.8) has 23934 bin [7.8,7.9) has 23869 bin [7.9,8.0) has 23762 bin [8.0,8.1) has 23288 bin [8.1,8.2) has 23282 bin [8.2,8.3) has 22989 bin [8.3,8.4) has 23122 bin [8.4,8.5) has 22929 bin [8.5,8.6) has 22792 bin [8.6,8.7) has 22485 bin [8.7,8.8) has 22564 bin [8.8,8.9) has 22159 bin [8.9,9.0) has 22001 bin [9.0,9.1) has 21598 bin [9.1,9.2) has 21259 bin [9.2,9.3) has 20779 bin [9.3,9.4) has 20423 bin [9.4,9.5) has 20391 bin [9.5,9.6) has 20126 bin [9.6,9.7) has 19934 bin [9.7,9.8) has 19281 bin [9.8,9.9) has 18939 bin [9.9,10.0) has 18737 bin [10.0,10.1) has 18496 bin [10.1,10.2) has 18014 bin [10.2,10.3) has 17976 bin [10.3,10.4) has 17583 bin [10.4,10.5) has 17145 bin [10.5,10.6) has 16595 bin [10.6,10.7) has 16103 bin [10.7,10.8) has 15871 bin [10.8,10.9) has 15426 bin [10.9,11.0) has 15333 bin [11.0,11.1) has 14790 bin [11.1,11.2) has 14740 bin [11.2,11.3) has 14012 bin [11.3,11.4) has 13491 bin [11.4,11.5) has 13104 bin [11.5,11.6) has 12662 bin [11.6,11.7) has 12087 bin [11.7,11.8) has 11937 bin [11.8,11.9) has 11467 bin [11.9,12.0) has 11207 bin [12.0,12.1) has 10857 bin [12.1,12.2) has 10420 bin [12.2,12.3) has 9738 bin [12.3,12.4) has 9572 bin [12.4,12.5) has 9244 bin [12.5,12.6) has 8956 bin [12.6,12.7) has 8421 bin [12.7,12.8) has 8315 bin [12.8,12.9) has 7883 bin [12.9,13.0) has 7829 bin [13.0,13.1) has 7526 bin [13.1,13.2) has 6835 bin [13.2,13.3) has 6715 bin [13.3,13.4) has 6646 bin [13.4,13.5) has 6393 bin [13.5,13.6) has 5929 bin [13.6,13.7) has 5713 bin [13.7,13.8) has 5585 bin [13.8,13.9) has 5216 bin [13.9,14.0) has 5138 bin [14.0,14.1) has 5020 bin [14.1,14.2) has 4713 bin [14.2,14.3) has 4442 bin [14.3,14.4) has 4432 bin [14.4,14.5) has 4172 bin [14.5,14.6) has 4080 bin [14.6,14.7) has 3797 bin [14.7,14.8) has 3617 bin [14.8,14.9) has 3488 bin [14.9,15.0) has 3213 bin [15.0,15.1) has 3302 bin [15.1,15.2) has 3302 bin [15.2,15.3) has 3082 bin [15.3,15.4) has 3040 bin [15.4,15.5) has 2981 bin [15.5,15.6) has 2875 bin [15.6,15.7) has 2672 bin [15.7,15.8) 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[19.8,19.9) has 125 bin [19.9,20.0) has 82 bin [20.0,20.1) has 59 bin [20.1,20.2) has 40 bin [20.2,20.3) has 39 bin [20.3,20.4) has 26 bin [20.4,20.5) has 40 bin [20.5,20.6) has 26 bin [20.6,20.7) has 20 bin [20.7,20.8) has 28 bin [20.8,20.9) has 24 bin [20.9,21.0) has 20 bin [21.0,21.1) has 20 bin [21.1,21.2) has 14 bin [21.2,21.3) has 23 bin [21.3,21.4) has 17 bin [21.4,21.5) has 14 bin [21.5,21.6) has 14 bin [21.6,21.7) has 4 bin [21.7,21.8) has 8 bin [21.8,21.9) has 12 bin [21.9,22.0) has 17 bin [22.0,22.1) has 12 bin [22.1,22.2) has 11 bin [22.2,22.3) has 7 bin [22.3,22.4) has 4 bin [22.4,22.5) has 6 bin [22.5,22.6) has 5 bin [22.6,22.7) has 6 bin [22.7,22.8) has 5 bin [22.8,22.9) has 6 bin [22.9,23.0) has 3 bin [23.0,23.1) has 1 average z coordinate -1.2 for 28210893 element(s) point source id histogram with bin size 1.000000 bin 2047 has 9947126 bin 2048 has 16710914 bin 2049 has 1552853 average point source id 2047.702445682949474 for 28210893 element(s)