lasinfo (240810) report for 'AHN5T/11EN2_05.LAZ' reporting all LAS header entries: file signature: 'LASF' file source ID: 0 global_encoding: 16 project ID GUID data 1-4: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 version major.minor: 1.4 system identifier: '' generating software: 'PDAL 2.7.2 (aa5ec8)' file creation day/year: 303/2024 header size: 375 offset to point data: 2299 number var. length records: 2 point data format: 8 point data record length: 38 number of point records: 0 number of points by return: 0 0 0 0 0 scale factor x y z: 0.001 0.001 0.001 offset x y z: 208980 573730 0 min x y z: 208980.000 573730.000 1.143 max x y z: 210019.999 575019.999 26.906 start of waveform data packet record: 0 start of first extended variable length record: 0 number of extended_variable length records: 0 extended number of point records: 29976859 extended number of points by return: 27174357 1656130 805429 264804 59248 13857 2593 383 55 3 0 0 0 0 0 variable length header record 1 of 2: reserved 0 user ID 'LASF_Projection' record ID 2112 length after header 908 description 'OGC Transformation Record' WKT OGC COORDINATE SYSTEM: COMPD_CS["Amersfoort / RD New + NAP height",PROJCS["Amersfoort / RD New",GEOGCS["Amersfoort",DATUM["Amersfoort",SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7004"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6289"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4289"]],PROJECTION["Oblique_Stereographic"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",52.1561605555556],PARAMETER["central_meridian",5.38763888888889],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999079],PARAMETER["false_easting",155000],PARAMETER["false_northing",463000],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","28992"]],VERT_CS["NAP height",VERT_DATUM["Normaal Amsterdams Peil",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5109"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5709"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","7415"]] variable length header record 2 of 2: reserved 0 user ID 'liblas' record ID 2112 length after header 908 description 'OGR variant of OpenGIS WKT SRS' has spatial indexing LAX file LASzip compression (version 3.4r3 c3 50000): POINT14 3 RGBNIR14 3 reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ... X 0 1039999 Y 0 1289999 Z 1143 26906 intensity 34 65535 return_number 1 7 number_of_returns 1 7 edge_of_flight_line 0 1 scan_direction_flag 0 1 classification 1 26 scan_angle_rank -29 29 user_data 0 9 point_source_ID 30 2041 gps_time 268906484.293789 360502202.531722 WARNING: range violates GPS week time specified by global encoding bit 0 Color R 18 255 G 38 255 B 30 255 NIR 36 255 extended_return_number 1 10 extended_number_of_returns 1 10 extended_classification 1 26 extended_scan_angle -4833 4833 extended_scanner_channel 0 0 number of first returns: 27174357 number of intermediate returns: 1145544 number of last returns: 27191977 number of single returns: 25535019 covered area in square units/kilounits: 1341560/1.34 point density: all returns 22.34 last only 20.27 (per square units) spacing: all returns 0.21 last only 0.22 (in units) overview over extended number of returns of given pulse: 25535019 1697427 1611234 816543 228329 69155 15932 2726 464 30 0 0 0 0 0 histogram of classification of points: 3115080 unclassified (1) 26632475 ground (2) 207214 building (6) 21985 water (9) 105 Reserved for ASPRS Definition (26) z coordinate histogram with bin size 0.100000 bin [1.1,1.2) has 25 bin [1.2,1.3) has 1663 bin [1.3,1.4) has 3919 bin [1.4,1.5) has 1813 bin [1.5,1.6) has 2109 bin [1.6,1.7) has 2551 bin [1.7,1.8) has 4818 bin [1.8,1.9) has 8296 bin [1.9,2.0) has 8013 bin [2.0,2.1) has 11694 bin [2.1,2.2) has 19064 bin [2.2,2.3) has 42277 bin [2.3,2.4) has 110452 bin [2.4,2.5) has 420654 bin [2.5,2.6) has 749625 bin [2.6,2.7) has 679106 bin [2.7,2.8) has 614773 bin [2.8,2.9) has 806131 bin [2.9,3.0) has 1116275 bin [3.0,3.1) has 1449930 bin [3.1,3.2) has 1744395 bin [3.2,3.3) has 1942589 bin [3.3,3.4) has 1958283 bin [3.4,3.5) has 2093650 bin [3.5,3.6) has 2093909 bin [3.6,3.7) has 1430591 bin [3.7,3.8) has 1178800 bin [3.8,3.9) has 1226565 bin [3.9,4.0) has 1263937 bin [4.0,4.1) has 1721074 bin [4.1,4.2) has 1546578 bin [4.2,4.3) has 1339722 bin [4.3,4.4) has 767557 bin [4.4,4.5) has 234707 bin [4.5,4.6) has 87978 bin [4.6,4.7) has 40252 bin [4.7,4.8) has 21510 bin [4.8,4.9) has 19399 bin [4.9,5.0) has 19310 bin [5.0,5.1) has 20148 bin [5.1,5.2) has 20067 bin [5.2,5.3) has 18867 bin [5.3,5.4) has 19451 bin [5.4,5.5) has 20252 bin [5.5,5.6) has 21001 bin [5.6,5.7) has 21579 bin [5.7,5.8) has 22223 bin [5.8,5.9) has 21091 bin [5.9,6.0) has 20206 bin [6.0,6.1) has 20217 bin [6.1,6.2) has 21106 bin [6.2,6.3) has 22695 bin [6.3,6.4) has 22722 bin [6.4,6.5) has 22716 bin [6.5,6.6) has 22484 bin [6.6,6.7) has 23382 bin [6.7,6.8) has 24692 bin [6.8,6.9) has 25121 bin [6.9,7.0) has 24434 bin [7.0,7.1) has 24664 bin [7.1,7.2) has 22817 bin [7.2,7.3) has 22229 bin [7.3,7.4) has 23800 bin [7.4,7.5) has 26346 bin [7.5,7.6) has 22817 bin [7.6,7.7) has 22540 bin [7.7,7.8) has 22891 bin [7.8,7.9) has 23864 bin [7.9,8.0) has 24217 bin [8.0,8.1) has 24435 bin [8.1,8.2) has 24910 bin [8.2,8.3) has 25119 bin [8.3,8.4) has 24781 bin [8.4,8.5) has 24861 bin [8.5,8.6) has 25258 bin [8.6,8.7) has 25264 bin [8.7,8.8) has 25608 bin [8.8,8.9) has 25601 bin [8.9,9.0) has 25987 bin [9.0,9.1) has 26638 bin [9.1,9.2) has 26800 bin [9.2,9.3) has 26984 bin [9.3,9.4) has 26999 bin [9.4,9.5) has 27476 bin [9.5,9.6) has 27889 bin [9.6,9.7) has 28113 bin [9.7,9.8) has 28531 bin [9.8,9.9) has 28533 bin [9.9,10.0) has 28755 bin [10.0,10.1) has 28562 bin [10.1,10.2) has 29165 bin [10.2,10.3) has 29788 bin [10.3,10.4) has 29403 bin [10.4,10.5) has 30040 bin [10.5,10.6) has 29394 bin [10.6,10.7) has 29836 bin [10.7,10.8) has 29815 bin [10.8,10.9) has 30353 bin [10.9,11.0) has 30392 bin [11.0,11.1) has 30527 bin [11.1,11.2) has 30619 bin [11.2,11.3) has 30274 bin [11.3,11.4) has 30386 bin [11.4,11.5) has 30244 bin [11.5,11.6) has 30083 bin [11.6,11.7) has 30015 bin [11.7,11.8) has 30329 bin [11.8,11.9) has 30194 bin [11.9,12.0) has 29734 bin [12.0,12.1) has 29157 bin [12.1,12.2) has 29287 bin [12.2,12.3) has 29154 bin [12.3,12.4) has 28798 bin [12.4,12.5) has 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[16.3,16.4) has 15761 bin [16.4,16.5) has 15429 bin [16.5,16.6) has 14740 bin [16.6,16.7) has 14289 bin [16.7,16.8) has 14095 bin [16.8,16.9) has 13750 bin [16.9,17.0) has 13261 bin [17.0,17.1) has 12510 bin [17.1,17.2) has 12122 bin [17.2,17.3) has 11823 bin [17.3,17.4) has 11385 bin [17.4,17.5) has 11119 bin [17.5,17.6) has 10848 bin [17.6,17.7) has 10190 bin [17.7,17.8) has 10073 bin [17.8,17.9) has 9508 bin [17.9,18.0) has 8996 bin [18.0,18.1) has 8521 bin [18.1,18.2) has 8164 bin [18.2,18.3) has 7802 bin [18.3,18.4) has 7615 bin [18.4,18.5) has 7219 bin [18.5,18.6) has 6928 bin [18.6,18.7) has 6798 bin [18.7,18.8) has 6628 bin [18.8,18.9) has 6277 bin [18.9,19.0) has 6020 bin [19.0,19.1) has 5631 bin [19.1,19.2) has 5262 bin [19.2,19.3) has 5016 bin [19.3,19.4) has 4771 bin [19.4,19.5) has 4404 bin [19.5,19.6) has 4148 bin [19.6,19.7) has 3700 bin [19.7,19.8) has 3477 bin [19.8,19.9) has 3261 bin [19.9,20.0) has 3001 bin [20.0,20.1) has 2723 bin [20.1,20.2) has 2500 bin [20.2,20.3) has 2214 bin [20.3,20.4) has 2074 bin [20.4,20.5) has 1806 bin [20.5,20.6) has 1702 bin [20.6,20.7) has 1552 bin [20.7,20.8) has 1470 bin [20.8,20.9) has 1351 bin [20.9,21.0) has 1229 bin [21.0,21.1) has 1148 bin [21.1,21.2) has 1012 bin [21.2,21.3) has 909 bin [21.3,21.4) has 845 bin [21.4,21.5) has 779 bin [21.5,21.6) has 737 bin [21.6,21.7) has 692 bin [21.7,21.8) has 625 bin [21.8,21.9) has 628 bin [21.9,22.0) has 544 bin [22.0,22.1) has 529 bin [22.1,22.2) has 466 bin [22.2,22.3) has 418 bin [22.3,22.4) has 403 bin [22.4,22.5) has 342 bin [22.5,22.6) has 310 bin [22.6,22.7) has 277 bin [22.7,22.8) has 258 bin [22.8,22.9) has 221 bin [22.9,23.0) has 220 bin [23.0,23.1) has 216 bin [23.1,23.2) has 190 bin [23.2,23.3) has 212 bin [23.3,23.4) has 192 bin [23.4,23.5) has 196 bin [23.5,23.6) has 186 bin [23.6,23.7) has 180 bin [23.7,23.8) has 164 bin [23.8,23.9) has 181 bin [23.9,24.0) has 185 bin [24.0,24.1) has 175 bin [24.1,24.2) has 144 bin [24.2,24.3) has 126 bin [24.3,24.4) has 138 bin [24.4,24.5) has 100 bin [24.5,24.6) has 108 bin [24.6,24.7) has 90 bin [24.7,24.8) has 93 bin [24.8,24.9) has 85 bin [24.9,25.0) has 83 bin [25.0,25.1) has 76 bin [25.1,25.2) has 97 bin [25.2,25.3) has 97 bin [25.3,25.4) has 85 bin [25.4,25.5) has 77 bin [25.5,25.6) has 75 bin [25.6,25.7) has 65 bin [25.7,25.8) has 52 bin [25.8,25.9) has 51 bin [25.9,26.0) has 38 bin [26.0,26.1) has 27 bin [26.1,26.2) has 38 bin [26.2,26.3) has 30 bin [26.3,26.4) has 14 bin [26.4,26.5) has 18 bin [26.5,26.6) has 13 bin [26.6,26.7) has 13 bin [26.7,26.8) has 3 bin [26.8,26.9) has 4 bin [26.9,27.0) has 1 average z coordinate 4.3 for 29976859 element(s) point source id histogram with bin size 1.000000 bin 30 has 14800433 bin 31 has 7559542 bin 1065 has 293680 bin 1066 has 2232332 bin 1067 has 728872 bin 1108 has 445522 bin 1109 has 434281 bin 2040 has 2613477 bin 2041 has 868720 average point source id 407.924890763238409 for 29976859 element(s)